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你聽說過RoHS嗎,那RoHS 3.0 呢?


     RoHS是由歐盟立法制定的一項強制性標準,主要用來限制電子電器設(shè)備中使用有害物質(zhì)的指令。《關(guān)于在電子電氣設(shè)備中限制使用某些有害物質(zhì)指令》也稱2002/95/EC指令,后以2005/618/EC決議進行補充,新版本11/65/EU(RoHS 2.0)

      RoHS is a mandatory standard established by EU legislation, mainly used to restrict the use of hazardous substances in electronic and electrical equipment. The Directive on Restricting the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electronic and Electrical Equipment is also known as the 2002/95/EC Directive; the Resolution 2005/618 /EC supplement it, the latest version 2011/65/EU (RoHS 2.0)


   RoHS 2.0規(guī)定電子電氣設(shè)備不得使用以下六種物質(zhì):鉛(Pb)、汞(Hg)、

鎘(Cd)、六價鉻(Cr6+)、多溴聯(lián)苯(PBBs)、多溴二苯醚( PBDEs).

    It stipulates that the following six substances cannot use in electrical and electronic equipment placed on the EU market: Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr6+, PBBs, and PBDEs.




      上周,有一個美國客戶問我有沒有RoHS 3.0 的相關(guān)產(chǎn)品,當我聽到這個的時候是很迷惑的, 因為我以前從來沒有聽說過 RoHS 3.0。 于是我搜索了一下, 發(fā)現(xiàn)這中間存在一個謬誤, 根據(jù)2015年6月4日新消息:歐盟頒布RoHS2.0修訂指令正式將4種有毒有害物質(zhì)鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯((DEHP) 、鄰苯二甲酸丁芐酯(BBP) 、鄰苯二甲酸二丁基酯(DBP) 、鄰苯二甲酸二異丁酯(DIBP)加入RoHS2.0管控范圍,加上新增的四種限制的有毒有害物質(zhì)共有10種。這就是2011/65/EU, 美國客戶通常稱之為 RoHS 3.0


      Last week, one of my USA customer ask me this question. When I hear it, I am very confused, because I have never hear RoHS 3.0 before. Then I search on the internet, I found there is a compliance. On June 4, 2015, the European Union promulgated the RoHS2.0 revision directive to officially classify 4 toxic and hazardous substances DEHP, BBP, DBP, DIBP have been added to the scope of RoHS2.0 control, and there are 10 kinds of toxic and hazardous substances added to the four new restrictions. It is EU Directive 2015/863, and many of our America friend call it RoHS 3.0


       了解了什么是RoHS 3.0 之后, 是不是要了解一下用什么產(chǎn)品可以檢測出這些有害物質(zhì)呢?

     Then, when we understand clearly, what RoHS 3.0 is, should we know how to detect these hazardous substances with our products?




RoHS 3.0(EU Directive 2015/863) Testing system include organic compound detector & RoHS Halogen-free environmental analyzer.

RoHS 3.0(2011/65/EU) 檢測系統(tǒng)包含有機化合物檢測儀和RoHS 分析儀



RoHS Halogen-free environmental analyzer organic compound detector


       RoHS 分析儀主要是用來檢測鉛(Pb)、汞(Hg)、鎘(Cd)、六價鉻(Cr6+)、多溴聯(lián)苯(PBBs)、多溴二苯醚( PBDEs)。它采用美國AMPTEK 品牌的探測器和優(yōu)質(zhì)的X射線分析軟件。它結(jié)合了經(jīng)驗系數(shù)法和基本參數(shù)法(FP法),理論α系數(shù)法等幾種傳統(tǒng)的分析方法,保證了測量數(shù)據(jù)的準確性。

     RoHS Halogen-free environmental analyzer mainly used to detector Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr6+, PBBs, and PBDEs. It use America brand AMPTEK Si-PIN X-123 detector & international advance XRF analysis software. It combines with several traditional analysis method such as empirical coefficient method and the fundamental parameter method (FP method), theoretical α coefficient method and so on, guarantees the precision of measuring data.


Organic compound detector mainly used to detector DEHP, BBP, DBP, DIBP.

It has the following advantages:

有機化合物檢測儀主要是檢測物品中的 鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯((DEHP) 、鄰苯二甲酸丁芐酯(BBP) 、鄰苯二甲酸二丁基酯(DBP) 、鄰苯二甲酸二異丁酯(DIBP)。


If you are producing electronic and electrical products, toy products, etc., if you want to develop the European market, please follow me to learn about the (EU) "Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive".


  • 聯(lián)系QQ:1816589306
  • 聯(lián)系郵箱:kshaida@qc-test.cn
  • 電話:0512-55118628
  • 聯(lián)系地址:江蘇省昆山市玉山鎮(zhèn)熊莊路25號

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